Example: DMRG

A straight-forward DMRG can be performed as follows.

using ITensors
using TenNetLib

    N = 32
    sites = siteinds("S=1/2",N)
    os = OpStrings()
    for j=1:N-1
        os += 1, "Sz" => j, "Sz" => j+1
        os += 0.5, "S+" => j, "S-" => j+1
        os += 0.5, "S-" => j, "S+" => j+1
    H = CouplingModel(os,sites)
    states = [isodd(n) ? "Up" : "Dn" for n in 1:N]
    psi0 = MPS(sites, states)

    params = DMRGParams(;nsweeps = [10, 10], maxdim = [20, 50],
                        cutoff = 1e-14, noise = 1e-3, noisedecay = 2,
                        disable_noise_after = 5)

    # dmrg2 for two-site DMRG
    en, psi = dmrg2(psi0, H, params)

    # or dmrg1 for single-site DMRG
    # en, psi = dmrg1(psi0, H, params)

Here, we have used OpStrings and CouplingModel. Alternatively, standard OpSum and MPO can be used.

Instead of using such higher-level code, one can also use lower-level functions for a better control.

sysenv = StateEnvs(psi0, H)
nsite = 2 # two-site update

swdata = dmrg!(sysenv, params, nsite)

# Get energy from `Sweepdata`
energy = swdata.energy[end]

# take a shallow copy of the MPS
# if the `StateEnvs` will be updated later again
psi = getpsi(sysenv)

# Alternatively, take the psi from `StateEnvs` itself.
# NOTE: This can crash the simulation, if the MPS is modified (e.g., in measurements)
# and `StateEnvs` is going to be updated later on.
# psi = sysenv.psi

Most often, it is better to do a single-site DMRG (without any noise) after standard two-site update for better convergence. Such lower-level function using StateEnvs is useful for that.

sysenv = StateEnvs(psi0, H)

params2 = DMRGParams(;nsweeps = [10, 10], maxdim = [20, 50],
                     cutoff = 1e-14, noise = 1e-3, noisedecay = 2,
                     disable_noise_after = 5)
dmrg!(sysenv, params2, 2)

params1 = DMRGParams(;nsweeps = [10], maxdim = [50], cutoff = 0.0)
dmrg!(sysenv, params1, 1)

Using such lower-level function, one can also restart the simulation at later times (e.g., by saving the StateEnvs using Serialization.jl), or one can perform updateH! to slowly change the Hamiltonian during DMRG simulations.

Global Subspace Expansion can also be used to get rid of nasty local minimas (if needed), if (and only if) the StateEnvs is built from a single MPO.

krylov_extend!(sysenv; extension_applyH_maxdim = 40)

Global Subspace Expansion may result into huge MPS bond dimension. That is why the named input parameters of krylov_extend! should be chosen carefully.

Excited state DMRG

Excited state DMRG is also straightforword.

# Given a ground state `psi_gr`, initial MPS `psi0`,
# and a Hamiltonian `H`

# dmrg2 for two-site DMRG
en, psi = dmrg2(psi0, H, [psi_gr], params; weight = 10.0)

# or dmrg1 for single-site DMRG
# en, psi = dmrg1(psi0, H, [psi_gr], params; weight = 10.0)

Similarly, using StateEnvs:

sysenv_ex = StateEnvs(psi0, H, [psi_gr]; weight = 10.0)
nsite = 2 # two-site update

swdata_ex = dmrg!(sysenv_ex, params, nsite)

# Get energy from `Sweepdata`
energy1 = swdata_ex.energy[end]

# take a shallow copy of the MPS
# if the `StateEnvs` will be updated later again
psi1 = getpsi(sysenv_ex)

# Alternatively, take the psi from `StateEnvs` itself.
# NOTE: This can crash the simulation, if the MPS is modified (e.g., in measurements)
# and `StateEnvs` is going to be updated later.
# psi1 = sysenv_ex.psi